2015년 5월 30일 토요일

William Wang's cafe,The Korean 3D printing user group's user meeting on Feb. 7, 2015

William Wang's cafe,The Korean 3D printing user group's user meeting on Feb. 7, 2015 

The biggist Korean user group meeting
http://cafe.naver.com/3dprinters in Korean language.
Held by William SH Joo( Nickname is William Wang Sam)

At the very first time to develop the Willybot SLS 3D printer using sugar powder. At 2013 ???

Willybot SLS 3D printer at the first developing time

Video Pour the melted metal for Willybot SLS sand printing 1

[Video] Willybot SLS sand printing to printing

[Video] Willybot SLS 3D printing to make the metal star

Willybot SLS sand printing for post processing

Willybot Sand printing to make the pipe

William Wang's 3D printing book for Korean people. He wrote it.

Willybot Sand printing to make the metal Star

Press release in Korean News Paper for Willybot SLS 3D printere